Friday, February 29, 2008

i am america (and so can you)

i highly recommend this book-maybe just because i want to do the dirty with stephsteph. it's absolutely hilarious (pricey but makes up for it in laughs). i like to read from it to my life size colbert cardboard cut-out before i go to bed each night.

signing off,


oh, and i just read on wiki that there's an audiobook feat. amy sedaris and jon stewart, among others.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Curious Carl

I had yet another brilliant epiphany while drawing Britney Spears, reading David Sedaris, and talking about Hilary Clinton with Roarin' Lauren tonight, because that's how things go. It basically went like this: "I want to have a book club/team blog where lots of people post comments, reviews, analysis, etc. of whatever they have been reading. Write about anything you want, as long as it is some form of literature.

Tell me who else should be invited to contribute, and give me their email address. If that person is you, that is especially fantastic.

Question: Should it be a public blog, or should I change the settings so that only authors can read?